Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello and Goodbye


friendships that don't mean much

mechanical days and tired nights

focussing on things that in the long run mean nothing

viewing the world through dark and cynical eyes

bad books and worse music

mourning the past and obsessing over the future

unmindful of the present

agonizing over boys with issues

agonizing over boys, period

monday morning blues and saturday night highs

loss of freedom and spontaneity

planning for the next 1 year or 10

broken dreams and failing courage

giving up and losing out

living incompletely


living preciously

living passionately


(Written on the eve of taking a one month break from work. Star gazing, bonding with friends, rediscovering old loves [er, of the non-human kind], basking in eternal love [yes, of the human kind] and living fearlessly are under-rated professions in my opinion and I look forward to a month of doing them justice)


Anonymous said...

LOL! Loved that, especially the last lines in braces. "Under-rated professions in my opinion"! Go girl! Have fun!

Gauri said...

Awesome !! Good luck and have a blast.

Arun Sundar said...

One month sounds like enough time. Have great fun!

[the villain inside me always wishes for a vacation as soon as he hears about the very word. It is tough to explain him that I just had one!]

Preeti Sharma said...

MS Cris - Thank you, thank you.

Gauri - I intend to have myself a very good time. Will report soon on progress:)

Arun - Vacations can do that to you, man. The minute one is over, it's time for the next to start...

Mamma mia! Me a mamma? said...

We can all afford to say 'hello' and 'goodbye' to those things on our list. It's time we all embraced life the way decided to. Way to go girl and more power to you!
